It seems that Jakarta doesn't know anything else besides the rainy season. For me and Tedy (my brother), rain always drives us to imagine spicy, soupy, hot dishes with a lot of rice, of course. It means forget about the diet program and forget about a target weight loss of 15 kg. This never ending diet program sometimes make me so crazy and hopeless, because it never worked! But I always did it again, and again.
Ok, now back to the soup that I want to cook. I have a half kilogram frozen beef in my fridge and a bunch of sour starfruit (carambola) hanging on the tree in my yard, so if I combine them together then finally we will have a bowl of sour and spicy beef soup at lunch! Sounds very tempting. I can't wait for that! ^_^
Confused about carambola? Maybe this little article from Wikipedia can give you some information. Carambola also known as starfruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The fruit is popular throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and parts of East Asia. The tree is also cultivated throughout non-indigenous tropical areas, such as in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the southern United States. The fruit has distinctive ridges running down its sides (usually five but can sometimes vary); in cross-section, it resembles a star, hence its name. The entire fruit is edible and is usually eaten out of hand. They may also be used in cooking and can be made into relishes, preserves, and juice drinks.
Now let's see the recipe.
Spicy and Sour Indonesian Beef Soup Recipe
Recipe from my personal collection
for 3 servings
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil for frying beef
- 500 gram beef, cut into 3 x 3 cm
- 1000 ml hot boiling water
- 5 Indonesian bay leaves (daun salam)
- 1 tablespoons tamarind paste
- 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
- 5 shallot, thinly slice
- 3 cloves garlic, chopped
- 3 large red chilies, cut into 1,5 cm
- 2 large green chilies, cut into 1,5 cm
- 3 bird's eye chilies, cut into 0.5 cm
- 8 - 10 carambola, cut into 1,5 cm
- 1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar/palm sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder (optional)
- 1 teaspoon of salt
Roasted spices:
Skewer the spices on the tip of a fork and roast on the stove until slightly blackish.
- 2 cm ginger root, roasted with skin, peeled and smashed
- 3 cm galangal root, roasted and smashed
- 3 cm fresh turmeric root, roasted with skin, peeled and smashed
In a non stick skillet put the oil and let it hot over medium heat. Put the beef cubes, and browning the beef. Set aside.
In a soup pot, pour hot boiling water. Add the browning beef, Indonesian bay leaves, all roasted spices, sweet soy sauce, and tamarind paste into the pot, cook until beef really tender.
While we are cooking the beef, heat the skillet that we used to fry the beef. Saute garlic and shallot until fragrant and translucent. Add all chilies, and carambola, stir well. Pour the sauteed spices into the pot. Add salt, palm sugar, white pepper and bouillon powder. Stir well and boil until all ingredients cooked and carambolas become tender.
Crushed three or four carambolas to add sour taste into the soup, more if you want the soup really sour. Taste the soup, add more salt or sugar to make a balance taste.
Remove the pot from the stove, serve soup with rice. This dish should taste sweet, sour, salty and best eaten while still hot. Yummy!
Setelah sekian lama jadi pengikutnya mbak Endang, penasaran banget sama artikel pertama yang di launching di web ini. dan taraaaa.... ternyata setelah ketemu aku gak ngerti artinya... hahaha... Bener ini artikel pertamanya ya mbak? Keren.. pake bahasa bule.. Sip sip... tambah sukses ya...
BalasHapuswakakkaka, saya gak nyangka ada yang bakalan komen disini. resep pertama itu asem2 daging mba tatik, yang kalau ditranslate jadi judul diatas. Huaahahhaha, ini bukan postingan pertama, saya lagi berusaha menterjemahkan resep2 hidangan Indonesia di blog supaya kalau orang bule baca bs mudeng. Pengennya sih bikin 1 blog lagi versi inggris, tpi waktunya belum ada hehheheh
HapusSama kaya mba tatik... aku juga penasaran n terus stalking blog mba en... n banyak pisan resep2 yg dah dishare... subhanallooh mba en... aku kaguummm... kalo dipraktekin semua ga khan abis setahun hehehe...
HapusHalo Mb Ira, thanks sharingnya yaaaa, senang resep2 yang di share bs bermanfaar dan bs membantu kaum wanita untuk terjun ke dapur hehheh. makin banyak yang punya skill memasak makin mantap hehhehe
HapusWaakk..saya juga sama kayak mbak2 diatas, penasaran sama postingan jtt yang pertama dan mulai tgl berapa.. :D (kurang kerjaan banget ya mba :p)
BalasHapusTernyata resep mba Endang buanyaakk bangeett yak.. Sayangnya di list resep gak semuanya muncul ya mba..?
Ini aja saya nemu postingan ini dg googling pake keyword "jtt 2010" trus di "next page" terus sampe mentok postingan terakhir yg artinya postingan pertama.. hahaha. Niat banget ya saya.. :D
Terus semangat berkarya ya mba.. Jangan bosen dengan komen kita2 ya mba.. Pengen banget baca semua postingan jtt tp aduhai..banyaknyaa..bisa jadi cerita 1001 malam kali yak.. Wakakak... :D
wkakaka, saya sendiri kadang lupa postingan awal2 di JTT. Jumlah resep ada sekitar 1000 lebih mba, dan yeeeep list resepnya error sehingga tidak memasukkan semua resep, sampai sekarang saya belum sempat kutak katik lagi.
Hapusthanks sharingnya yaa, sukses sellau! ^_^
Mbk Endang. Salam kenal. Aku coba nyari-nyari resep Indonesia yang pake bahasa inggris, dan nemu di blok mbk Endang ini. Temenku dari luar negri pengen masak hidangan indonesia mbk, dan resep mbk Endang yang pake bahasa inggris adakah yang lain?? Terimakasih ^^
BalasHapusPs: resepnya banyakkkkkk. Pgn coba semua ^^
Hai Mba Cicilia, salam kenal ya. Hahahah, ini actually adalah satu2nya resep berbahasa inggris di JTT, saya belum punya waktu buat translate lainnya, selain memang kemampuan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris sangat terbatas hehehe. Copy saja resep dan masukkan ke google translate mba. Ada 1000 an lebih resep di JTT ^_^